I work with infographics when an organization wants to show its culture, its working process or a more informal version of an organizational structure. Infographics can also be used to visualize a company’s history, describe a process, present strategies or a vision.

Infographics are used when something needs to be explained or displayed in an educational way with the help of pictures and drawn diagrams. Often the information is both complex and complicated. It can be difficult to find the common thread and see different patterns. Drawn pictures is a way to make this information both manageable, understandable and meaningful.

Sometimes the working process for creating infographics can include graphic facilitation and graphic recording together with the client to process the content in the image.

What are your challenges in communicating complex information in a simple and pedagogical way? Contact me. The possibilities are endless.

Vizualization of Digital Solutions R&D’s Way of Working

There was a need to explore and make visible how this organization works.
Everyone “knew” but had difficulties explaining and many were new employees.
The material was produced during a couple of workshops that were facilitated internally and I captured the conversations visually.
The images were then clustered and processed until we had a material that I could use for the final picture.

Vizualization of Digital Solutions R&D

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Visualization of Digital Solutions R&D’s network

The organization wanted to understand what parts the network consisted of in order to coordinate and create synergy.

Vizualization of Digital Solutions R&D, picture 2

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Cycle of Experience

Within gestalt methodology, there is something called the Cycle of Experience. It is used within organizations, groups and individually to understand an internal process: from awareness of a need to making decisions or acting in another way.

Cycle of Experience

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This metaphor – the tree with its roots – was used in a large construction company as a template to work with interactively.
During the workshops, the large printed template was filled with postit notes and then further processed.

The tree with its roots

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